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The Plague of the Panther’s Teeth: Revisiting George Jackson’s Analysis of Fascism

August 11, 2006


Right On! #2, Winter ’05-’06

The revolutionary nationalist must face the objective fact of re-examining everything we know today about the nature of fascism and its real role in modern day capitalist economics. Monopoly capitalism and it’s lieutenant sector, along with the bourgeois corporate media, have the people duped into thinking that fascism is a thing of the past, when a brief examination into the ideology and practice of Amerikkkan neo-liberal capitalistic imperialism shows that fascism is alive and well.

In Amerikkka, fascism has many disguises, but its primary function consists in economic exploitation and the dumbing down of a society, so that critical thinking becomes obsolete and participation benefits state power… Fascism is monopoly-corporativism, and the class that wields this power is very small. This small class controls the major means of production and distribution in the world, but its primary power structure rests here in Amerikkka. This small group, controls what we today call “Globalization,” and this class or I group has positioned itself firmly against socialist revolution. Therefore, they are our primary enemy.

First and foremost, we subscribe to the idea that Amerikkka is a qualitatively different fascist state than the fascists we read about in books. Amerikkkan fascism stands undetected because no exact example or definition exists as to its characteristics. As stated by comrade George Jackson, “The nature of fascism, its characteristics and properties have been in dispute ever since it was first identified as a distinct phenomenon growing out of Italy’s state-supported and developed industries in 1922.” But we are able to identify Amerikkka as a fascist state, because of two distinct features of fascism: “its capitalist orientation and anti-labor, anti-class nature.” When comrade George states that it has an “anti-class” nature, he is making reference to fascism’s “anti-people” nature as well. Fascism has the ability to seduce progressive and non-progressive people into championing its politics. The astute fascist will be skilled in the science of appealing to the real and imagined needs of the people. It will position itself as the savior and protector of the people.

We will show in this pamphlet that all silly arguments to the contrary are a waste of time, and that the revolutionary leftist movement must prepare now – should already be prepared – to accept this fact. Here’s Comrade George:

“Fascism exists in this country, and it exists in disguise, and the disguise takes the form of all those idiotic, ridiculous statements about a welfare state. If anybody with any intelligence at all can look at the united states and come up with a conclusion that this is a welfare state or any resemblance of a welfare state, it’s pure chicanery, an evasion of fact, dereliction of duty, and in most cases what they’re doing is really cleaning up the fact that they didn’t oppose capitalism, they didn’t oppose hierarchy when they should have opposed them, in the 30’s and 40’s. They didn’t fight then.”

This definition explains the real nature of this system, which leapt into monopoly-corporativism at the close of the Civil War. Capitalism-imperialism has finally completed its last and highest stage of reform. We have to realize that fascism is shattering and crushing any hopes of justice and freedom for the people, unless its a hope or freedom that’s tied economically into the system of bourgeois capitalism. We must also realize that fascism cannot defeat a politically determined revolutionary people.

As Black revolutionaries, we recognize the existence of the Black Nation in diaspora. That is to say, we hold that the tens of millions of Black people scattered throughout the Amerikkkan industrial centers constitute an
oppressed nation, a colony. We seek the liberation of that colony – as a nation, and not a mere class or racial minority. The predominantly white Left must join us in this struggle, for it will be the center city colonies and the Indian reservation kamps that will serve on the front-lines of militant revolutionary struggle. We all agree that the power to cripple imperialist militarism springs from the bosom of organized labor, however, the failure to define the Amerikkkan ruling class as fascist has lead to different views, which prevent unitary conduct and revolutionary struggle.

Comrade George had this to say on the problem:

“The second notion that stands in the way of our understanding of fascist-corporativism is a semantic problem. When I am being interviewed by a member of the old guard – and point to the concrete and steel, the tiny electronic listening device concealed in the vent, the phalanx of goons peeping in at us, his barely functional plastic tape-recorder that cost him a week’s labor, and point out that these are, all manifestations of fascism, he will invariably attempt to refute me by defining fascism simply as an economicgeo-political affair where only one political party is allowed to exist aboveground and no opposition political party is allowed. But examine that definition of totalitarianism comrade.

“No opposition parties are allowed in China, Cuba, North Korea or North Vietnam. Such a narrow definition condemns the model revolutionary societies to totalitarianism. Despite the presence of political parties, there is only one legal politics in the U.S. – the politics of monopoly-corporativism.”

There is not one iota of evidence to dispute this position. The politics of Amerikkkan capitalism rest on a two party system, but them share the Last year Slone which was `an election year to decide the next President for four years, the Republicans spent over 200 million dollars raised from monopoly-corporativism. The Democrats were not too far behind, but the corporate bashing slowed the influx of huge donations from oil and military companies.

In my first pamphlet called “Dossier of Struggle” I laid down this line: I don’t care who owned Mom and Pop stores, corporate power pays their rent by furnishing products to sell on the market. And if they refuse to adhere to the dictates of corporate interest, the ruling class will simply send in a Wal-Mart that will force the stubborn store into bankruptcy.

I have termed this the economic face of fascism, and it may leave the impression with some that this is “good ole fashion business,” but let me rush to drop this line from the BLA study guide: “…We see many of our people go into retail trade business as soon as they are able to scrounge, borrow, or steal the bare minimum to become “black capitalists.” Much to their disillusionment they generally find that to own a corner grocery store, liquor store, or whatever is a great hassle that requires total dedication, work, and sacrifice — just to keep their heads above water. Unable to take full advantage of the discount which accrues to wholesale purchase, they cannot compete with the monopoly retail capitalist who either own the wholesale outlet out-right, or make their purchase in such huge wholesale lots that their discount is enormous.”

Attorney Lynn Stewart, who defended accused “terrorists,” was hauled before the courts to neutralize her and to send a message to others; people have been detained in military barracks for suspicion of having sympathies for, or a picture of, Osama Bin Laden; 2.3 million people are incarcerated in prisons across the country. This is the disguised form of fascism that’s hidden from public scrutiny.

People that are more concerned with the trappings of this pseudo mass society and its spectacular leisure sports; parades where strangers meet, shout each other down and often trample each other on the way home will never see the ugly reality of fascism. Amerikkkan fascism is so effective in emotionally appealing to people’s desires and fears that when we point out to them that Amerikkkan capitalism has had 200 years to disguise and refine its face, and 50 years to consolidate fascist control of the country, they would simply dismiss us. Comrade George referred to fascism’s early roots when he made this statement: “a great many of the early trends of amerikan history prepared the way for the ultimate success of fascism in its highest form.”

50 Years of Fascist Consolidation

Fascism consolidated its power here in Amerikkka during the close of World War Two. This was the second world war for colonial markets and imperialistic economic-military dominance. The point here is that Amerikkka sat out this war for three years thinking perhaps that Great Britain and France would defeat Hitler, but when France fell under German military might and Britain faced imminent defeat as well, and it looked like the contest would be decided between Germany and socialist Russia, Amerikkka had to find a way to militarily get into the game, so it threatened and bullied Japan behind closed doors. In short, Japan was given the impression that it faced imminent attack from the military might of the Amerikkkan ruling class, so it hit first and gave the excuse Amerikkka needed to join the fight. Capital migrated to the U.S., because strategically it was physically removed from actual fighting on its land. Plus Amerikkka represented at that time the champion of finance and industrial capitalism.

If one was to go back and review the history of that time, it will be obvious that the U.S. ruling class’s problem was not with Hitler, but the real source of its worries was Japan extending colonial dominance over the Pacific Islands and the Philippines, which were Amerikkkan colonies. This was the economic motive for their participation in the fight.

Much of the Amerikkkan monopoly capitalist. ruling class- supported Hitler, including President Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, who was Hitler’s banker in the U.S. and was later convicted during the war under the Trading With the Enemy Act. Henry Ford was awarded the Iron Cross- by Hitler. The ‘Rockefellers, Morgan Trust and GM (to name a few) had major commitments to the Third Reich. They did not care about the Jews being interned in concentration kamps. That only became a part of the agenda when France, Russia, Great Britain, and Amerikkka formed the allied force (the Jews were being interned and murdered in kamps since 1939. Almost three years before Amerikkka got involved).

Ponder on this:

“Hitler understood that German capitalism could not pull itself out of the depression without expanding across its boundaries to steal the minerals, seaports, factories, and workers of surrounding countries. By contrast, Roosevelt’s strategy was to use the threat of U.S. military power to keep Germany and Japan out of important U.S. markets. But while Germany and Japan were definitely the aggressors, it must be understood that the United States had previously committed genocide against the Indians in the white man’s invasion of the continent; kidnapped millions of people from Africa and brought them to the U. S. as slaves; stolen the land of Chicano people in the Southwest; annexed Hawaii and Puerto Rico; and spread its tentacles into much of Latin America by the 1930s. If the United States was more defensive than Germany during this period, it was primarily because it had so much stolen wealth to defend.”

Roosevelt himself admitted that the U.S. government had become an appendage of the great financial interests going back as far as Andrew Jackson’s administration. Even though there were powerful financial interests in this country backing Germany, the “smart money” saw the, opportunity to come out of WWII as the top_ imperialist power and scoop up the colonial markets and resources of France and England by coming to their aid: Which is exactly what happened.

Because the Soviet Union was at this time a socialist country and the headquarters of the world communist movement, many socialist and revolutionary people saw the U.S. joining the Allied cause as a progressive step, and they tended to turn a blind eye to the actual class nature of the capitalist democracies and to forget that they are fundamentally class dictatorships with their own imperialist designs.

This ideologically and politically disarmed the workers and other progressive people and the oppressed generally by promoting the illusion of post-war partnership and democratic transition to world socialism, as well as the illusion that fascism was something other than monopoly capitalism stripped of the pretence of liberal democracy or human rights. People were not prepared when the U.S. irnperialists immediately launched the Cold War at the end of WWII wartime allies and the Left and progressive people home, driving _ them from the trade unions, universities, Hollywood and the mass media in an anti-communist witch hunt.’ Those who had been openly fascist before the war, such as the Dulles brothers, Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover and the Bush clan, were now super-patriots, rehabilitated and leading the crusade.

Having failed to challenge the term “totalitarianism,” a term …devoid of class content, when applied to the Nazis regime, the Left was now tarred with the same brush, while the real history of Amerika, the genocide, slavery and cruel exploitation of the workers was white-washed away. Hand in hand with repression came concessions under the banner of Cold War liberalism, higher wages, improved working conditions, civil rights legislation, unemployment compensation and social security as well as graduated income taxes.

Of course, we are seeing all this disappear in the post-Cold War period. But still, many so-called “leftists” call on us to hitch our hopes to the Democratic Party and abandon thoughts of making revolution or building socialism. They seek to sidetrack the true Left and keep the oppressed masses “in their place.”

The New Afrikan Black Panther Party Prison Chapter NABPP-PC) must come to terms with this fact that we must organize ourselves for the eventuality of socialist revolution aimed at putting workers in power – a revolution to crush and smash monopoly capitalism – and overthrow fascism.

A Tool of Reactionary Bribery

The New Afrikan partisan connected to the revolutionary New Afrikan Black Panther Party understands that these loud debates with so-called “leftist elements” are only distracting us from the task of revolution. This ploy by so-called “leftists” to trick us into holding our revolution in abeyance has been exposed. We will fight this revolution without them, but if possible, the joint operation by both the New Afrikan and white leftist revolutionaries will make the task simpler. But we can’t afford to wait while our oppressor is bribing and co-opting us to do its imperialistic work against world revolution. Comrade

George said this:

“The shock troops of fascism on the mass political level are drawn from members of the lower-middle class who feel the upward thrust of the lower classes more acutely. These classes feel that any dislocation of the present economy resulting from the upward thrust of the masses would affect their status first. They are joined by that sector of the working class which is backward enough to be affected by nationalistic trappings and loyalty syndrome that sociologists have termed the Authoritarian Personality.’ One primary aim of the fascist arrangement is to extend and develop this new pig class, to degenerate and diffuse working-class consciousness with a psycho-social appeal to man’s herd instincts. Development and exploitation of the authoritarian syndrome is at the center of ‘totalitarian’ capitalism (fascism). It feeds .on a small but false sense of class consciousness and the need for community.”

While we accept the notion that the “gravediggers of capitalism” most certainly are the workers, however, our struggle is not simply one of proletariat verses the bourgeoisie; our struggle is a national liberation struggle, in which the whole of the Black Nation is oppressed and exploited by the ruling power structure. We must confront our oppression as an oppressed nation. We will not wait until the White Left becomes upset at the prospect of loosing their S.U.V. trucks before we move the central city against exploitation and fascist arrangement. The White Left must realize that in any fight against imperialism, New Afrikans will be on the frontline dying and sacrificing as revolutionaries and “it is our objective to move ourselves and the people into actions that will culminate in the seizure of state power. Our real purpose is to redeem not merely ourselves but the whole nation and the whole community of nations from colonial-community economic repression.”

New Afrikan Workers are the Most Dynamic Force in Amerikkka

The workers will awaken when they are approached with “clipboard in hand” and on it laid down a set of ideas and ideals as to how a particular set of socio-political problems should best be addressed. But these ideas and ideals should come from understanding the actual needs of the people. And we must not expect everyone to respond positively to the idea of revolution. The degree and depth of “psycho-social conditioning instilled from birth” will work against us from time to time.

Another area that needs to be disputed pertains to this misconception that North Amerikan White workers by themselves are the only revolutionary force in this country. We reject that. The argument could be made that these particular White workers are the most greedy and individualistic class in all of labor’s history. And if one desired to extend this argument and say that Amerikkkan workers seem to adore and admire its bosses and bankers, he/she will have a valid position to stand on. Example: How did all of those millionaires get power?

The argument that the rich simply paid their way into office is so silly that it barely merits response. The thing is this, trying to analyze what is happening with this system and the workers that propel it forward must be viewed from a historical position. And the historical record indicates that the rich never paid their way into power. They actually created this system that favors them. “On May 14, 1787, the constitutional convention with George Washington presiding officer, the work of framing the nation’s constitution proceeded with fifty-five persons and only two were not employers!!!” So the rich merchants and putrid slave masters created this system to serve their own class interests. And don’t forget the fact that New Afrikans classified as three fifths of a human being, with no rights at all, while the Indians faced genocidal extirpation.

The Enemy in Radical Clothes

Fascism has proven over time to have three faces that sometimes fool people into thinking they are progressive or revolutionary. Comrade George put it this way:

“Historically it has proved to have three different faces. One ‘out of power’ that tends almost to be revolutionary and subversive, anti-capitalist and anti-socialist. One ‘in power but not secure’ -this is the sensational aspect of fascism that we see on screen and read of in pulp novels, when the ruling class, through its instrumental regime, is able to suppress the vanguard party of the people’s and workers’ movement. The third face of fascism exists when it is ‘in power and securely so.’ – During this phase some dissent may be allowed.”

During the “out of power” phase, we see all kinds of language that convinces some people that this is a revolutionary group that’s really for the people. This group participates in programs that awaken social awareness. You see them at anti-war demos chanting “No Blood for Oil!” They talk about putting pressure on George Bush, but “realistically -admit” that “we” can’t just pull out “our” troops just yet.

The second phase of “in power but not secure” is when all the people that supported this same sounding revolutionary group have moved to put them in the seats of power. During this period, the group spends very little time on building the country, but rather it has other pressing needs, which require the imprisonment of its former allies and comrades. The new group chases down all imaginary and credible threats to its existence.

The third phase of “in power and securely so” is that period when Neo-Liberalism has pacified the masses and suppressed the real Left. All the productive points of state and ruling class interest are now’ securely manned by the new shock troops. The state feels secure enough to allow us the luxury of faint protest. Take protest too far, however, and they will show their other face. Doors will be kicked down in the night and machine-gun fire and buckshot will be the medium of exchange.

If the state is secure and strong, it will permit elections that cost the average person $100 million or so dollars to get elected. And if a few Blacks are elected to the Congress or Senate, they will be confined and alienated by committees that restrict passage of anything. Congressman John Conyers every year keeps putting on the record his bill called H.R. 40 that calls for the study of reparations. This is only calling for the study of reparations, but each year the bill faces certain death by powerful committees. The amount of money being expended in these foolish elections could be used to build infrastructures that serve the needs of the people.

“Elections and political parties have no significance when all serious contenders for public office are fascist and the electorate is thoroughly misled about the true nature of the candidates. One cannot say all the people who vote are unaware, just as one cannot say the twelve hundred professors who backed Mussolini were all frightened. Those who am aware and still do nothing’ constructive are among the most pathetic victims of the totalitarian process.”

We have to take to the streets and the communities where our vote in the people will do some good. The people will respond positively when they see constructive programs to better their condition and the building of people’s power. Many times in the past we have approached people with programs that originate in our heads and they no where conform to the actual reality of the people.

Let’s not delude ourselves any longer. We are dealing with a cold vicious class of cutthroats and compromise with them means putting bullets in our heads.

The New Afrikan Black Panther Party – Prison Chapter

The New Afrikan Black Panther is the individual that understands and perpetuates the ideology of New Afrikan revolutionary nationalism and strongly supports independence for the people based on ‘from the masses to the masses.” The revolutionary Party will essentially comprise elements from the Black workers, the Iumpen and lower-middle classes that have surrendered their non-proletarian ideology to combat the aggressive neo-colonial factions in leadership positions in the central cities of Amerikkka.

The neo-colonial agents must be exposed for their outright collaboration and betrayal of the people. The Black Panther has no needs that outweigh the importance of independence, the Black Panther must live with the people; struggle with them; study with them; fight beside them, and if need be, die for them.

The Masses of the People

The meaning of “The People” comes through clearly when one thinks of their mother, father, sister and brother, but the broader concept is what’s being referred to here. When we say “The People,” we mean those people that support and actively mobilize and organize for revolutionary socialist government, those who no longer consent to be ruled as slaves and who realize that they have nothing to lose but their chains.

Class Struggle

The New Afrikan Black Panther Party – Prison Chapter embraces class struggle as a means to organize, agitate, and educate the people.- However our class struggle incorporates resisting national oppression the racist domination of the Black Nation (i e neo-colonialism). Let me make it clear that the Panther has many enemies, including collaborationist Negroes and their slave masters; so to prevent these collaborators and class enemies from subverting the cause of revolution, we have to engage in class analysis and struggle. Example: The underclass does not benefit from the wealth accrued by monopoly-corporativism, but elements of the black upper-middle class have a stake in the maintenance of monopoly-capital because their big houses and lifestyle comes from it. These Blacks serve as managers and executives in these companies. They are what we today would call agents of fascism.

We are not talking about all upper-middle class Blacks, just the ones that hobnob with the likes of Condilezza Rice and Clarence Thomas (or wish they could). These turn-coats work harder than the man to maintain economic disparity and the oppression of us. In short, the class struggle will be, between two forces: New Afrikan people under the leadership of a progressive/aggressive, revolutionary vanguard party and its allies verses the monopoly capitalists (not all white people) and their functionaries.

On Sexism

The ugly head of sexism and gender disparaging has its roots, fundamentally, within the capitalist patriarchal system. We implore all revolutionaries to fight against the relegation of woman to second-class status within the revolutionary movement and in the broader society. Always remember that socialism is not just an economic system, but more than that, it is a new way of human relations. Comrade “Rashid” Johnson sent me a piece on wimyn and their role in struggle that will be quoted here:

‘We can’t generate People’s war if we continue to act & to think as if all people are men, and as if all children are boys. We can’t build a mass movement if we fail to allow wimyn a proportional share of power.”

A Last Word

We implore all serious people to get connected with a progressive group in their community. The hour of procrastination won’t save those people that sleep on park benches around the corner from your house. They need you now!


All my quotes/sources come from Blood In My Eye: The Political Thought of Comrade George Jackson, and the BLA Study Guide.

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